Stormwater Management

Avoid Blocked Drainage

Help us keep the streets in good shape. Blowing your grass into the street leads to blocked inlets and poor street drainage. Water on the street like pictured here, works it’s way under the pavement causing the pavement to breakup.

When mowing your yard:

1. Make the first few passes with the lawnmower blowing the grass clippings into the lawn not the street.

2. If there are grass clippings on the street or sidewalk, use a broom or leaf blower to blow them back into the lawn. Do not use a hose to wash them into the street or storm drains. Keeping your leaves and lawn clippings out of the streets and gutters will have significant benefits for your local lake or stream.

3. You should also apply only the amount of fertilizer your lawn needs.

4. You should mow your lawn when the grass is dry, to avoid clumping.

5. Keep your grass clippings on the lawn and not in the street or gutter. According to the U.S. EPA, leaving
your grass clippings on the lawn doesn’t cause thatch buildup. Grass clippings are about 90 percent
water, so they decompose very quickly. Leaving your grass clippings on the lawn can reduce your
lawn’s annual fertilizer needs, reduce your fertilizer costs and reduce water pollution.